About Sap-Seal® Products, Inc.
In 1989, Ernie Ness started the manufacturing and distribution of Sap-Seal® caps. The original caps were designed for use on the oil rigs of the North Sea, but now Sap-Seal® caps can be found in the deserts of the middle east, in frigid climates, and other corrosive environs around the world.
Sap-Seal® Products, Inc.’s United States operations are located in Bergenfield, New Jersey, a stone’s throw from the international business crossroads of New York City.
In mid-2009, SAP-SEAL® Products, Inc. opened a new sales and marketing office in Sarasota, Florida. Since then, this office has laid the groundwork for significant new opportunities with various distributors who service state DOTs, refineries, pipelines, and various construction applications.
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For more information or to order
sales@sapseal.cm | 201-385-5553